AI-assisted writing, Dada art fashion, German artists, KURT SCHWITTERS

Artinvested – Kurt Schwitters in a dada fashion search for (non)sense


It’s fascinating how the Dada style of artwork embraces a seemingly haphazard assembly of visual elements, challenging conventional notions of meaning and representation. The deliberate blending of disparate symbols and emotions into a visual cacophony serves to dismantle the traditional emphasis on individual elements in art. Through this approach, Schwitters sought to convey the idea that despite the apparent dilution of individuality in the collective, true individuality remains intact. This juxtaposition between the nonsensical presentation and the preservation of individuality raises thought-provoking questions about the balance between coherence and chaos in both art and the world. The artist’s endeavor to blur the line between sense and nonsense prompts contemplation on the nature of meaning and the human desire for order in a seemingly chaotic world. The integration of discordant fragments into a collage reflects a powerful artistic response to the urge for the world to make sense, ultimately emphasizing the enigmatic nature of existence itself.

This an AI-assisted Art Review.

AI-assisted writing, German artists, Modern artists, Sigmar Polke

Artinvested – Sigmar Polke and the elusive reality

SIGMAR POLKE (1941-2010)
Stadtbild II (City Painting II) 1968

In “City Painting II,” Sigmar Polke, a renowned German artist associated with the pop art movement, challenges the notion of stability and immobility typically associated with buildings. By imprinting illusory movement onto familiar symbols of stillness, Polke invites viewers to explore the boundaries of the visible and question the nature of reality itself.

In this particular artwork, Polke uses colored dots, vibrant blots of red, fluid white, yellow, and blue lines to create a mesmerizing effect. The interplay of these elements creates a sense of constant flux, captivating the viewer’s gaze and inviting them to experience a shifting and fluctuating cityscape.

The artist’s technique allows for a dynamic perception of reality, where everything is interconnected and in a state of perpetual transformation. By manipulating known symbols and employing optical illusions, Polke challenges our conventional understanding of the world, reminding us that reality can be an elusive and intertwined mesh of phenomena.

“City Painting II” serves as a snapshot of this ever-changing reality, capturing a transient moment and presenting it on canvas. Through Polke’s innovative approach, viewers are encouraged to embrace the fluidity of their own perceptions and engage in a profound exploration of the world around them.

This is an AI-assisted art review.

AI-assisted writing, Modern artists, Paul Klee, Swiss artists

Artinvested – Paul Klee and the psychedelic introspection


Paul Klee, a Swiss-born artist, is often associated with a distinct style characterized by whimsical figures and intricate patterns. His works possess a dreamlike quality that evokes a sense of mystery and introspection.

Klee’s unique artistic style often captures a surreal and spiritual essence. His use of vibrant colors, geometric forms, and intricate lines creates a visual language that provokes deep emotions and introspection. Many describe his artworks as a direct reflection of his inner world, where he explores the realms of imagination, dreams, and emotions.

If you resonate with the feelings of psychedelic experiences, the ambiguity between reality and fantasy, and the sense of being immersed in a complex universe, then Klee’s artworks may resonate with you. Through his art, Klee invites viewers to take a journey into his innermost thoughts and emotions, allowing them to discover their own interpretations and connections with his work.

So, explore the captivating world of Paul Klee and let his art take you on a contemplative and thought-provoking journey.